The ESCWA Statistical Information System (ESIS) is a system for storing, managing, and retrieving statistical indicators for a specified group of countries/regions and a...

IT solutions company aims to provide its customers with innovative solutions using state-of-the-art tools and techniques
IT solutions company aims to provide its customers with innovative solutions using state-of-the-art tools and techniques
The ESCWA Statistical Information System (ESIS) is a system for storing, managing, and retrieving statistical indicators for a specified group of countries/regions and a...
The UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science in the Arab Region intended to create STIGAR (Science Technology and Innovation Gateway for the Arab Region) an online project to...
UNESCO Cairo Office was targeting the development of the UNESCO Regional Science Podium for the Arab Region: Towards open science in the Arab region and the world: An open...
Tripotek has long experience with AI solutions including Data Analysis, Image Processing, and Security...