The UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science in the Arab Region intended to create STIGAR (Science Technology and Innovation Gateway for the Arab Region) an online project to unify and expand its outreach to all its Member States through integrated online modules for partnerships and networks of scientists and measuring Science, Technology, and innovation (STI) for development.
The project includes the development of a content management system with content modules focusing on creating an online network for partnerships, and the design (at the object/entity level) for the conversion of an existing paper publication into an online, database-driven implementation.
In addition, the online portal will also function as a real-time interactive net-meeting forum for scientists from within the region and the rest of the world to exchange ideas that will promote Science for Sustainable Development.
This bilingual portal will also act as an interactive online, database for S&T indicators together with a specifically developed template to be filled by focal points in the Arab countries for S&T data collection purposes, thereby simplifying the data collection process required for updating the S&T module in the database.